Singing Guide: Gregg Allman

Singing Guide: Gregg Allman

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Gregg Allman, the founding member of the Allman Brothers Band, had a unique soulful style of singing; his voice was full of passion and soul. Gregg's style of singing was heavily influenced by blues and soul music, which is evident in his marked use of vibrato, growls and slides. In this article, we will discuss how to learn singing like Gregg Allman, and highlight the songs that showcase his distinctive voice.

The first step in learning to sing like Gregg Allman is to focus on the basics. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced singer, it's always important to do a proper vocal warm-up before singing. Singing Carrots offers a fantastic warm-up exercise called "Farinelli Breathing," which helps to open up your vocal cords and improve your breath control. In addition to a good warm-up, it's important to maintain good posture and breathing technique throughout your singing practice. You can learn more about breath support and posture in the Singing Carrots blogs "Breath Support" and "How Posture Affects Your Singing."

To get Gregg's signature vibrato, you need to start with a solid foundation in pitch accuracy. The Singing Carrots website offers a pitch accuracy test which will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Once you have worked on your pitch accuracy, you can move on to incorporating vibrato into your singing. Singing Carrots has a great article called "Singing With Vibrato" which covers techniques for mastering this classic singing effect.

Gregg Allman's voice was full of character and soul, and he often used growls and slides to add emotion to his singing. To learn how to master these vocal techniques, Singing Carrots has several great videos, such as "How to Growling Exercise," and "Sustain Vocal."

For those interested in further developing their vocal range, Singing Carrots has an excellent online vocal range test. Gregg Allman had a distinctive vocal range, and some of his most famous songs, such as "Midnight Rider" and "Whipping Post" showcase his unique voice perfectly. In addition, Singing Carrots also has a tool to help you find songs by vocal range and style.

Finally, Singing Carrots offers a comprehensive online singing course called "Singing for Beginners," which covers everything from the basics of pitch and rhythm to more advanced techniques like voice registers and vocal control.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Gregg Allman requires dedication and practice, but with the right tools and resources like Singing Carrots, it's definitely possible. With a bit of hard work and determination, you can develop the skills and techniques required to sing like this legendary musician and add extra emotion to your voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.